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Jo Shimoda Crowned Prince of Paris 2023

29 novembre 2023

SCOTT athlete Jo Shimoda was named the 2023 “Prince of Paris” at the weekend after claiming the 250 overall win in his factory Honda racing debut. Shimoda, making his racing return to Honda after three years away, took top honors in the 250 class, collecting four wins over the course of the weekend and never finishing off the podium.

“Overall, we took the win, so I’m stoked. Obviously, I did find some stuff that I need to work on, but I’m super-stoked on how everything is going—smooth, steady progress. I honestly just enjoyed these two days. I was confident with my pace; I feel like my riding was good, and my starts were good too. But with having just five-minute races, once things didn’t go well in the first two laps, it’s hard to regroup and pass all those guys. But winning four out of six motos, I think I had good focus. I’m really happy with my effort.” Jo Shimoda
Photo credit : Jey Crunch

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