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Collomb-Patton sends it all the way to the top

26 gennaio 2015

After winning the Freeride World Tour last year as a rookie, SCOTT rider, Loïc Collomb-Patton has done it again.

He starts this year`s tour with the same style, but with a little more pressure. However, this did not matter, in front of a massive crowd of his local La Clusaz Ski Club, he dropped in as 18th of 29 riders and as the second rider after a longer break.

Loïc charged all the way from the start to the finish line. Starting from the first gate, on the looker’s left of the Chamois face, he began his run with a massive drop, followed by another perfectly landed huge air and staid in control throughout his whole run — a super fluid, hard charging run with a creative line, which took him all the way back to a number one result.

Our other SCOTT team rider did also a solid performance with

Ski Men

Juan Bergada 5th

Jeremie Heitz 6th

Kevin Guri 9th

Stefan Häusl 15th

Fabian Lentsch 22nd

Richard Amacker 25th


Ski Women

Jackie Paaso 7th

Janina Kuzma 9th

Lorraine Huber (Injured)

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