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The West Coaster w/ Ruth Croft

04 settembre 2019

Humble, shy, generous and tough, Ruth Croft has made daring decisions that took her to various places around the world. Sometimes she’s achieved great success and sometimes life took her down a different path where she had to adapt, get comfortable with the uncomfortable and learn to move forward. This is the hard-working mentality of a West Coaster.


SCOTT Supertrac 2.0

19 agosto 2019

The Supertrac 2.0 is a rugged, protective mountain running shoe designed to cope with the entire range of mountain environments. Its dynamic fit with excellent traction from its All Terrain Traction outsole will allow for exciting and secure runs in the mountains.


Kinabalu RC 2.0

07 maggio 2019

The new SCOTT Kinabalu RC 2.0 is built for speed!! This fast trail racing shoe features Hybrid TRACTION which offers the most consistent traction across trails and hard packed grounds.