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Yates Wins Stage 6 at Vuelta a Espana

26 agosto 2016
Early in the stage from Monteforte de Lemos-Luintra to Ribeira Sacra a big group of escapees formed. Midway through the stage Team ORICA-BikeExchange took command to chase down the front group. In the hilly final the peleton closed in on the escapee and it was Simon Yates launching the decisive attack to drop the last rider of the former lead group, Team IAM Cycling rider Mathias Frank. The 22-year old Briton was able to keep his chasers at bay during the last kilometers to the finish line to take his first ever victory in a Grand Tour. Thanks to his smart move, Yates was able to move up the standing of the general classification and now sits in 10th. Team leader Esteban Chavez was able to keep his 5th place in the overall standings.

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