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2014 SKYRUNNER WORLD SERIES - SCOTT Sports excel at Limone finals

14 ottobre 2014

The 2014 Skyrunner® World Series came to a dramatic conclusion in the Italian resort of Lake Garda at the Limone Extreme.

SCOTT once again excelled in the Limone SkyRace® with Elisa Desco, Marco De Gasperi and Alexis Sevennec producing a string of top quality results confirming the SCOTT brand as a major player in skyrunning.
Elisa Desco completed a great 2014 season finishing on the podium after a hard fought battle over the tough and technical 24.5km course with 2000m of elevation. Desco, started conservatively in the early stages and as the race progressed, she used her experience to move up through the field and finish 3rd. A podium place confirmed Desco as 3rd overall in the 2014 Skyrunner® World Series.
Marco De Gasperi 2012 Limone Extreme champion and course record holder had a tough battle against the worlds best as humid conditions, torrential rain at the summit and slippery ground caused chaos amongst the field. On the descent, De Gasperi fell resulting in an open wound as blood trickled down his leg. Like a true champion, De Gasperi pushed on placing 4th. 
Following up a top placing at the Dolomites SkyRace®, Frenchman Alexis Sevennec once again proved he is one to watch for the future. In one of the most competitive fields ever assembled in a SkyRace®, Sevennec placed 7th, a sure sign of exciting things to come.

Runners and teams have travelled from all over the world to participate in the most successful Skyrunner® World Series ever. SCOTT Sports as a leading shoe and apparel manufacturer have been instrumental in providing the backing and support for the Series and its success. As a reward, they have moments to savour, Desco was crowned Skyrunning World Champion in Chamonix and now in Limone, the Italian has placed 3rd in the 2014 Skyrunner® World Series. As one season ends, a new season is planned; roll on 2015…


Images: Fabio Menino, Ian Corless

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