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Supertrac Ultra RC – All terrain traction

30 novembre 2018

Discover the development process of the new Supertrac Ultra RC. A shoe that associate a lab tested and athlete approved traction specifically designed for ultra running races, with an upper using for the first time in the footwear industry the Schoeller Dynamic fabric for extender durability without compromising comfort.


Vertical Kilometre Fully 2018

23 ottobre 2018

The vertical kilometre in Fully is the shortest and fastest VK race in the world. The course through the Swiss vinyards are so steep that runners have to wear a helmet to protect them from stones being kicked off by the runners in front of them. And if that’s not challenging enough, there is also 1,920 metres of burning legs ahead.


Super Talk RC: Cody Lind

20 novembre 2017

Non farti ingannare dalla voce calma e dall’atteggiamento tranquillo di Cody Lind. Quando è in modalità gara, c’è da stare attenti!