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Amie Engerbretson

Name: Amie Engerbretson

Birthdate: 01/24/1988

Nationality: American

Specialty: Smiling and cat jokes

Home Mountain: Squaw Valley

Athleten Talk

How and when did you start skiing, how has it evolved ever since and what got you into freeskiing?
My first day on skis, I was 10 months old at Squaw. Skiing has basically been an integral part of my being ever since. My dad was a professional skier when I was little and became a ski cinematographer and photographer and we have skied and worked together my whole life. The idea of creating something with my skiing, to then share and hopefully inspire people is really intriguing and fun. I have always loved skiing for the joy of it, but I also truly love the “job” part of being a professional freeskier too!

Was there any particular experience that made you consider pursuing skiing professionally
Watching my dad make his dream is career was the most inspiring thing of my life. I didn’t come from a conventional family is “normal” jobs. I was always encouraged to truly follow my dreams. I went to college and got a degree in Media Management and it was after I graduated that I decided I wanted to give the ole pro-skier thing a whirl. To this day I am still surprised that my career is working! I am truly grateful everyday.

Who were/are your idols on and off the hill?
My dad, Shane McConkey, Elyse Saustad, The Spice Girls, and Michael Bolton.

What does skiing mean to you personally?
Skiing is freedom and joy. I feel at home and the most me when I am on my skis.

Do you have any specific goals for your skiing in the future?
I am constantly learning and gowning in my skiing. I was buried in an avalanche six years ago and I feel ever since, my main goal has been healing. Learning to trust myself and enjoy the mountains again is something I am always working on.

What aspect of skiing thrills you the most?
I think the freedom and the people. I feel more free when I am skiing than anything else in my life. Free to express myself, move and truly be me. The people skiing has brought into my life are so cherished and when I think back on my best ski moments, it is people that stand out more than any run, line or turn.

In what conditions and what terrain do enjoy riding the most?
I kinda love it all. Deep powder and pillow in Canada, big steep faces in Alaska or even epic wind buff runs in the resort at Squaw. I like to adapt and enjoy what is in front of me. I will say I still definitely like the down more then the up ;)

Any activities that aren’t ski related?
I grew up a dancer and that is always a huge part of who I am. I also love to mountain bike, run, backpack, surf, hike, camp… I guess I kinda like it all!

Please answer, if possible, with one word only.

  • Trick/move: Hair flip
  • Food: Toast
  • Country: Canada
  • Resort/Place to ski: Sqauw
  • Car: Subi

What do you like about SCOTT?
I love the heritage of Scott. My dad skied for Scott in the 90’s and the fact that they are still one of the premier brands in the ski industry speaks volume. I also love the balance Scott has between cutting edge technology and gear, and clean simplicity. Everything is necessary and provides a function!

What are your favorite SCOTT products?
The Scott Patrol Airbag pack has been a totally game changer. I was fully buried in an avalanche 6 years ago and I believe an airbag helped save my life. Ever since, I always ski with an airbag in the backcountry. The super capacitor technology has solved all the problems I had with airbags. The backpack is light weight, carries everything I need, holds a charge forever and traveling with it is a breeze!

What SCOTT products are you using this year?
Shield goggles, chase helmet, Patrol E1 30 Backpack, Pro Guide SRS Poles, and the Explorair Plus Mittens.

Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years?
Still skiing, still smiling, maybe a mom? Who knows! 

People you feel you need to thank:
My sponsor family including Scott, Spyder, K2, Sierra Nevada and Squaw Valley. My dad, Jeff Engerbretson, my boyfriend Todd Ligare, and my dog Bill.