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Two World Tour Teams Ride on SCOTT

16 décembre 2014

SCOTT is proud to equip two Professional Road Teams with World Tour Licenses from the UCI. The UCI just confirmed the identities of sixteen teams which will have World Tour licences in 2015, stating that IAM Cycling has satisfied the requirements to move up from the Pro Continental level.

Together with ORICA-GreenEDGE, SCOTT will now support a second UCI Pro Team on the world stage. We couldn`t be more excited to look forward to next year's race season.

SCOTT Sports World Tour

The World Tour ceased to be a dream for IAM Cycling. The team unveiled its future strategy and new team members just recently at the official presentation in Switzerland. The World Tour license was the icing on the cake after a very successful second season which ended with Matthias Brändle’s Hour Record, as well as 38 podiums and 17 victories, including wins from Matteo Pelucchi and Sylvain Chavanel in World Tour events.

SCOTT Sports World Tour

IAM Sports Manager Rik Verbrugghe stated, “IAM Cycling does not intend to over-burden the riders on the team simply because we have reached this new level. In 2014, the average number of race days for the 25 pros amounted to 66 days. For 2015 this figure will increase to 72 days, which is a quota entirely reasonable in comparison to the other teams of this level. (...) With 29 riders under contract, we will certainly manage to keep our promises and offer a race schedule that will satisfy everyone. The strategy that defined our transfer policy was to build two fairly distinct groups, namely a group around Mathias Frank, who is our leader for stage races, and another led by Sylvain Chavanel and Heinrich Haussler for the classics."


New Promising Talents for ORICA-GreenEDGE

SCOTT Sports World Tour

ORICA-GreenEDGE welcomes 26 riders racing in 2015. Next year will be OGE`s fourth season. The team consists of 12 Australians and 14 international riders. OGE is pleased with the integration of new signings Adam Blythe (25, GBR) and Magnus Cort (21, DEN) within the group. Blythe and Cort are joined by young-gun Caleb Ewan (20, AUS) who will ride his first full season with ORICA-GreenEDGE next year.

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