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07 novembre 2011
This fall Stephan Siegrist, part of the SCOTT Mountain Guide Team, took part in an expedition aiming at a first ascent of the Cerro Torre in the Indian Himalaya. This specific mountain has a twin-peak of which the lower peak, at 6150m, had already been taken for the first and only time in 1993. The higher southern peak was still untouched. Siegrist and his team accomplished the first ascent through the north-western route "Yoniverse" that, after 4 days, ends directly on the higher southern peak. The expedition measured the peak hight at 6155m above sea level. After this adventure, the expedition team decided to toke on yet another mountain in the 6000m range which they found might be interesting to climb. They conquered the 6040m peak which they baptised "White Saphire" after realizing that they not only had climbed new routes on ascent and descent but had also managed another first ascent within a couple of days. For SCOTT, this expedition meant the perfect conditions to test the durability of the new mountaineering sunglasses called "Approach". These technical sunglasses come with SCOTT's proven Solar Blocker technology lenses, which garantuee the best protection for your eyes on bright sunny days, especially in high elevations. If they would whitstand a world-class mountaineer's requirements in the Himalaya, they would pass the test. And pass the test they did! The "Approach" proved to be an ideal piece of equipment even during the extreme conditions of the Himalaya. Stephan Siegrist wearing the SCOTT Approach sunglasses during the first-ascent to White Saphire on 6040m Stephan Siegrist with the SCOTT Approach sunnies at over 6000m above sea level The expedition's new route for the first ascent of the southern and main peak of the Cerro Kishtwar The new route to the never before attempted White Saphire. Stephan Siegrist on the 6040, peak of the White Saphire, wearing the SCOTT Approach sunglasses. SCOTT would like to congratulate Steph Siegrist and the rest of the expedition on their huge and impressive accomplishments in the Indian Himalaya! Photos by: David Lama and Denis Burdet

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