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Freeride and Freestyle Athletes

Kyle Jameson

Home (City / Country)     Bend, Oregon / USA

Date of birth                     30/07/1988


Athlete talk

What is your all-time favourite riding destination?    

My all time favorite riding destination would be any place there is a trail or trails that has good speed, ripping corners and the potential to get the tires off the ground, gaps, jumps, bumps, lumps, anything really. Lately I’ve been hooked on the basic fundamentals of mountain biking, and when you get on a trail that has those key elements, that is my favorite place to ride. 


What "No Shortcuts" means to you     

If you're going to do something, do it right the first time!


What do you get up to when you’re not doing bikes?

When I’m not doing bike, I am a very busy man. First thing is family. Hanging with my fam is very important and so much fun. My wife and I have a new born baby daughter, so I’m definitely playing and hanging with her every chance I get. I also own an excavation company (Black Sage Dirt Works), we do a lot of residential excavation as well as build trails. So I’m constantly moving forward with the business, organizing my employees tasks as well as in the excavator. I’m also always working in the yard and thinking about what to cook for dinner…I love cooking, if I didn’t ride bikes I would put on some weight!


Outside of cycling, where do you draw inspiration from?

I’ve always been inspired by the skateboard industry. The way that companies make a team, travel and film with that team, always seemed very fun and motivating. I also find inspiration in seeing hard work. I get motivated when I’m around hard working individuals, as well has hearing about peoples' success from working hard. 


You’re stranded on a desert island. What three things would you want with you?

I would want my family for sure, so we can make a cool home and work together. I would want some kind of hunting device, probably a bow, so I could make arrows (if you have a rifle you’ll run out of ammo and then you starve). Lastly I think I would want a bunch of duct tape. You can pretty fix or make anything with duct tape. I think we would have a good chance of survival.


If you could put up a billboard to be seen by countless people every day, what would you put on it? 

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes"