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Road & Gravel Ambassadors

Cesar Villalba

Country: Spanish in the USA

City: Los Angeles

Career highlights: Racing gravel, triathlon and running events all over the world, I've qualified for and competed in multiple World Championship events. I've also undertaken some memorable bike packing journeys like the one along El Camino de Santiago. What defines my cycling journey is exploring the world with a smile, connecting with people along the way, and finding joy in the shared experiences beyond the races.

Athlete talk

What is your all-time favourite riding destination?

What is your all-time favourite riding destination? It might sound cliche and biased, but I love going back to Spain for riding bikes, especially gravel bikes along the 'El Camino de Santiago' path on the northern coast of the country. It's a dream come true—respectful drivers, amazing food, great weather, breathtaking views, and some fun nights along the way.

What are you excited about with your partnership with SCOTT?

I am very excited to infuse a bit of my non-serious approach to endurance sports and racing with the incredible knowledge, technology, and winning spirit of Scott. I have the opportunity to reach and build a bigger community around it, creating fun adventures, incorporating fun paint jobs, and participating in enjoyable races—all while keeping it true and pushing it to the max. No shortcuts.

What does "No Shortcuts" mean to you?

Shortcut? Nah, i prefer the exhilarating long way around with friends and at the same time embrace the journey of pushing your limits through dedication, hard work and passion.

What do you get up to when you’re not out riding?

Lots of emails from Europe and the east Coast, As a fashion designer, my creative energy doesn't stop when the ride ends. I dive into the world of textures, colors, and trends, bringing my passion for design to life. Whether sketching new concepts, sourcing fabrics, or collaborating with fellow creatives, it's a different kind of adrenaline that fuels my days. And, of course, I always find a way to infuse a bit of that edgy, non-conformist spirit into both my fashion creations and my biking adventures. Life's a canvas, and I'm here to paint it with bold strokes, on and off the bike!

Outside of cycling, where do you draw inspiration from?

My creative pulse beats to the eclectic rhythms of Los Angeles. From the diverse vibes of flea markets to the sheer creativity that saturates the city, it's a constant wellspring for my designs. Throw in a touch of my Spanish roots, and you've got a recipe for edgy, multicultural inspiration that fuels both my fashion endeavors and adventures on two wheels

You’re stranded on a desert island. What three things would you want with you?

If I found myself stranded on a desert island, I'd make sure to have my trusty gravel bike for some impromptu island exploration – because why not turn it into an adventure? A sketchbook and a set of vibrant markers would be my second choice, allowing me to capture the island's beauty and jot down design inspirations. Lastly, a playlist of my favorite tunes, because even in isolation, there's always room for a soundtrack to set the mood and some dancing. So, with my bike, creativity, and music in tow, I'd turn that desert island into my own laid-back paradise

If you could put up a billboard to be seen by countless people every day, what would you put on it?

Respect Cyclists, Be Kind, Build More Bikelines.