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Andreas Millinger

Birthdate 14.09.1977

Genre of skiing: Freeride / Big mountain

Athlete talk

How and when did you start skiing, how has it evolved ever since and what got you into freeskiing?
Same story different lines 
Who were/ are your idols on and off the hill?
Heini holzer from south tirol, one of the first "freeriders," skied steep walls in the alps in the early 60’s
What does skiing mean to you personally?
Skiing—that’s what is life all about

What were your 3 biggest accomplishments on hill and why?
Still alive
What aspect of skiing thrills you the most? 
Skiing lines nobody skied before in far off areas having faceshots with friends
In what conditions and what terrain do enjoy riding the most?
Everywhere at least there should be 1cm of snow under my skis
Any activities that aren’t ski related?
How do you manage to combine family/ friends and job?
Try to combine friends and work all over
Please answer, if possible, with one word only.
Trick/Move: worm turm
Band: grateful dead
Movie: easy rider
Book: the avalanche handbook
Drink: coffee
Food: lomo completto
Country: Austria 
Resort/Place to ski: krippenstein
Car: vw t4
What do you like about SCOTT?
Good quality, innovative
What are your favorite SCOTT products? 
Goggles and the megadozer
What SCOTT products are you using this year? 
Skis, poles, sunnies, goggles and backpacks

Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years?
Happy with friends in the mountains
What sponsors do you ride for besides SCOTT?
Me myself and I

People you feel you need to thank
Toni Rosifka, he is the man with the sense of snow
Whats playing on your iPod right now? 
no ipod