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Mike Horn

Birthdate: 16 July, 1966
Place of Birth: Johannesburg, South Africa
Specialty: Exploration, Adventure, Mountaineering
Nationalities: South African, Swiss
Residence: Les Moulins, Switzerland

Athlete talk

Mike Horn is globally acknowledged as the world’s greatest modern day explorer. From swimming the Amazon River solo and unsupported to an unmotorized circumnavigation of the globe at the equator, Mike’s list of accomplishments as a solo explorer is unparalleled.

He said once : « The impossible exists only until we find a way to make it possible. », and who better than him could understand this sentence.

In two decades, he has seen more of the Earth than possibly any other human. He walked to the north pole during the dark season and has scaled the world’s 8,000 meter peaks and will be back at K2 in June 2015 .

He’s proven the potential of the human spirit  and proven the performance of many Scott products along the way.