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Nils Landenberger

Country: Switzerland

City: Frenkendorf BL

Date of birth: 13/05/2002

Career highlights: 11. Platz U23 SM 7. Platz Gesamtwertung Swiss Bike Cup

Athlete talk

When and how did you start mountain biking?

When I was still in kindergarten, the MUBA in Basel also included a bike fair. There were test bikes there which you could try out on a small circuit. I caught bike fever on this small circuit and haven't let go since.

Who was/are your idols on the trails?

Gino Mäder. He was an outstanding cyclist who did not define himself through sport alone. For him, there was always more to it than just achieving the best results, for example, he combined a good result with a fundraising campaign. I am very impressed by this commitment, even apart from cycling.

What does mountain biking mean to you personally?

In the course of time, from the test circuit at the MUBA to the worldcups, the bike has taken a prominent place in my life. Looking back, it is a constant in my life that gives me stability. When in doubt, pedal it out, or something ;)

What excites you most about biking?

Riding through untouched forests, experiencing a sunrise on the summit or a super flowy descent, there are many things that fascinate me about this sport. If I had to emphasize something, it would be how relaxing a training session can be. You can forget about everyday life and your problems on the bike and just live in the moment.

How do you combine family/friends and your job?

My family are the originators of my passion for two wheels, they still strongly support me, without them my journey to this point would never have been possible. You definitely have a little less time to train, but as a cyclist you are very flexible and not tied to time and place, as is the case with team sports, for example. Fortunately, I'm in a sports class where I have a lot of freedom and good training opportunities.

What does "No Shortcuts" mean to you?

Whether you're developing a new bike frame or building up your form over the winter, there's no easy way to get there.
