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Road & Gravel Ambassadors

Safa Brian

Country: USA

City: Los Angeles

Date of birth: August

Career highlights: I did not take a traditional athlete’s path; I’ve won more street races than I’ve entered sanctioned ones. I think my career highlight is being alive today after living in traffic for half my life.

Athlete talk

What is your all-time favourite riding destination?

When I hang up my helmet I’ll let you know. There are so many roads I’ve yet to meet.

What are you excited about with your partnership with SCOTT?

I love thinking up film ideas and having SCOTT go ‘yeah let’s try make that happen’. Then living out those ideas on what, in my opinion, are the finest bicycles on the planet. There is a trust in each other’s vision and I’m looking forward to what we’ll create in the future.

What does "No Shortcuts" mean to you?

No shortcuts is right at the core of cycling. People often ask me how to get faster. My answer is always the same: experience. There is no substitute in cycling. If you want to be better, you pay with your time.

What do you get up to when you’re not out riding?

You’ll probably find me in the editing bay or poring over maps.

Outside of cycling, where do you draw inspiration from?

Artists. They set humans apart from everything else.

You’re stranded on a desert island. What three things would you want with you?

I big tub of paper, a big box of pens, and a cat.

If you could put up a billboard to be seen by countless people every day, what would you put on it?