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In the Meadow Part 1

29 octobre 2018

After a late-night discussion over a few beers in the famous Peruvian Bar at Alta Ski Resort last winter, Sam Cohen and team flew into Golden Alpine Holidays’ Meadow Hut for the first time early last February.


SHE'S OUT THERE – Ep.4 Reaching Happiness in the Alpine

25 octobre 2018

Winter is coming! Are you already thinking of your next hut trip? SCOTT Freeriders, Sabine Schipflinger and Laura Überbacher found a perfect spot in the Austrian Alps to escape for a weekend and feel that happiness that only comes from reaching a summit at sunrise and skiing smooth lines … She’s Out There.


Vertical Kilometre Fully 2018

23 octobre 2018

The vertical kilometre in Fully is the shortest and fastest VK race in the world. The course through the Swiss vinyards are so steep that runners have to wear a helmet to protect them from stones being kicked off by the runners in front of them. And if that’s not challenging enough, there is also 1,920 metres of burning legs ahead.