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Double Victory at Megavalanche La Reunion

01 dicembre 2014

Rémy Absalon (SCOTT SR Suntour) dominated the last important Enduro race of the 2014 season at La Reunion island and celebrated his 8th "Mega" victory. Reunion Island hosted 400 international riders at the 20th Megavalanche race with Volcanic and jungle single tracks, tropical lifestyle and a good level of competition.

Every year the Megavalanche is a nice way to conclude the season.  All MTB disciplines were represented with enduro riders like Cedric Gracia, Nicolas Quéré, Rémy Absalon (SCOTT SR Suntour) alongside DH riders like Pierre-Charles Georges (Lac Blanc-SCOTT) the winner of the Alpe d'Huez Mégavalanche. On the start line we also saw XC riders like Alexis Chenevier (SCOTT), winner of the Transvesubienne.

The qualifying rounds took place on Saturday with an enduro format. In groups of 4, riders rode 4 stages from the Maido, traversing lava, riding through jungles and sugar cane fields and finishing on the stony and dry trails of the seaside- all under intense heat.  At the end of the day, Rémy was sitting in first with a 28 second lead.

On Sunday, the 400 riders started the Mega in an impressive mass start. While Nicolas Quéré won the holeshot, 300m later, Rémy took the lead. For the next 43 minutes, Rémy stayed focused on his goal. First he took a big time advantage in the rocky lava section. Then he made sure to get to the finish line with smooth and safe riding in the technical jungle and for the duration of the race. Rémy finished comfortably in first place. 

Nadine Sapin would finished in first in the Women's category. 


Photos: Szyman Nieborak and Ile Reunion Tourisme

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