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Brad Freeman Crowned 2021 EnduroGP World Champion!

18 ottobre 2021

A glorious weekend of enduro racing for SCOTT riders culminated in a no less than five World Championship titles, including the big one for Brit Brad Freeman at the final round of the season.

Brad Freeman was crowned 2021 FIM EnduroGP World Champion at the season finale in France on Sunday. The championship battle went down to the wire, following a day win from Spain’s Josep Garcia on Saturday. Freeman managed to finish the season in style however, after coming back to win the final day on Sunday and subsequently the FIM EnduroGP World Champion title.

“With two tests to go I had a good lead and then rode it home. I’m so happy with this year and how it’s gone. I feel like there’s a massive weight lifted off my shoulders now. I’m the EnduroGP World Champion and that’s an awesome feeling!” Brad Freeman


The 2021 Enduro1 title was claimed by SCOTT’s Andrea Verona on Saturday. The GasGas rider came out swinging and won multiple tests to secure his lead and win the E1 title for the second year in a row!


Red Bull KTM Factory Racing's Josep Garcia also managed to claim his Enduro2 championship win with a day to spare. The Spaniard displayed his dominance in the class by holding off strong challenges from Steve Holcombe and Nathan Watson.


Ahead of his EnduroGP win on Sunday, Beta’s Brad Freeman managed to claim the Enduro3 title on Saturday. The British rider dominated the E3 class in 2021 with a clean sweep of victories all season and after a perfect performance on Saturday he defended his championship crown in style with a convincing win.

Enduro Junior

In the junior class it was yet another championship victory for the SCOTT athletes. After entering the final rounds in France with a comfortable points lead, a second place finish on Saturday was enough for Matteo Pavoni to claim the title after a super-strong season.

Photo credit: Future7Media

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