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Pablo Villa wins the Biosphere II Trail

10 aprile 2014

Pablo Villa won the Biosphere II Trail which took place on Sunday April 6th, starting and finishing in Gordon Ciñera (Leon, Spain). 250 runners were put to the test, racing 26 miles with 4400 meters of climbing on a highly challenging and technically difficult mountain circuit. Going into the race as the favorite, Pablo Villa, soon distanced himself from his rivals and claimed the win with a record time (3 hours and 2 minutes). Second place went to Ruben Mediavilla and third, to Eulogio Bello, the previous winner. In the women's section, the victory went to Estelita Santin followed by Maria Marcos  and Raquel Maestre. Biosphere Trail 2014 paid tribute to the six miners who died in the area last October 28.

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