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2nd stop of the Freeride World Tour 13 in Courmayeur

22 gennaio 2013

After a three day waiting period, the second event of the 2013 Freeride World Tour took place today on the sunny side of the Mont Blanc in Courmayeur.
33 skiers and 14 snowboarders competed at the incredible Courmayeur location in perfect conditions. Fans of the freeride sport were treated to elite contestants competing at the highest of levels.
Starting at 22nd, Jeremie Heitz of team SCOTT EU skied an incredibly fast line, which brought him up to second place.  He then climbed to first place in the overall ranking, directly followed by Drew Tabke.

 Picture by freerideworldtour.com

Jeremie definitely showed that he is back after a one year absence from the Freeride World Tour.

See the run of Jeremie in Courmayeur right here!!!

The next stop is Chamonix, the freeride mecca of France, on January 26. In Chamonix, SCOTT riders Jeremie Heitz, Seb Michaud, Kevin Guri, Sefan Häusl and Jackie Paaso will all be present for the competition.

Watch the next event live from Chamonix 26th of January here!!!

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