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Dane Tudor Injury Update

10 gennaio 2013

Freeskiing phenom and recently signed head-to-toe SCOTT athlete, Dane Tudor, was recently injured while skiing in the backcountry around Revelstoke, Canada.  An awkward landing off a natural air cause Dane to fall, dislocating his hip.  Fellow SCOTT athlete, John Spriggs, was onsite skiing with Dane at the time of the event and was able to hail Revelstoke Search Rescue, who heli-evacuated Dane to the hospital.


photo: Pete Alport @petealport


From his hospital bed last night, Dane was extremely optimistic with the prognosis, stating that x-rays revealed no damage to the femur, as initially concerned, slating Dane to make a full recovery and be back on snow later this winter.

To keep up on Dane as well as other SCOTT athletes, be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram.

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