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Pedal 2 Pow

It’s very early season in Chamonix, resorts are still closed and skiers around the Alps are excited to see the first snowflakes falling from the sky. But no one is hungrier for pow this year than SCOTT athlete Pierre Hourticq, who missed last winter season due to a knee injury. After months of rehab and countless cycling sessions to strengthen his legs again, the day has finally come for Pierre to head back to the mountains and go chase the lines he’s been dreaming of. Together with his life partner Clementine Junique, they will jump on their bikes to go after that long awaited first skiing day of the season.

There are infinite ways to approach the mountains. After introducing the electric sk-eride bike three years ago, Pedal 2 Pow has born born from our athletes’ desire to combine two of their favorite sports in a self-powered journey while exploring our background responsibly.

Cycling to the snow is a great journey from bottom to top, using one sport as a means to another, and providing a complete workout that tends to evolve into an unforgettable adventure by fair means. Touring equipment has become extremely lighter and easy-to-carry in the past few years, and for all of us that do not live at the very foot of a mountain... what a better way to kick off a touring mission than pedaling the first miles on a bike?

From out-of-the-door excursions to proper expeditions, join the SCOTT Winter athletes as they embark on different adventures to reach their favorite ski lines!

The journey

The Athletes

Clémentine Junique

"We just had to cross the village with the e-bikes and we found ourselves directly on the starting point of our touring mission - It can't be easier!"

Discover Clémentine Junique

Discover Mountain SCOTT Athletes

Pierre Hourticq

"I missed skiing so much after my injury that even if the slopes were still closed, I had to find a way to get back up there. The e-bike was the perfect ally to help us reach it."

Discover Pierre Hourticq

Discover Freeride SCOTT Athletes