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Editors' Choice - Backcountry Magazine

06 giugno 2017
For our testers, Celeste is nearly synonymous with Editor’s Choice, now having won the award for three years running.
Given their feedback, it’s easy to see why: “love at first sight, from box to foot,” one tester wrote. “A prefect 10,” another commented. “A pleasant surprise that handled all conditions and modes of travel with ease,” mentioned a third.
Beyond our testers’ praise, the Celeste stands in a league of its own, offering class-leading power among lightweight, women specific boots. In addition to appreciating the 120 flex, several testers applauded the tall cuff- “Superior cuff height to any other AT boot,” one tester wrote- while others gushed over the walk-mode function, which offers 60 degrees of mobility for the climb.
One tester summarized the whole package best: “Tall cuff height, ideal forward lean, easy to pull on liner, sufficient forward and lateral stiffness, efficient buckle function, noticeable walk mode and ridiculous light weight all combine to make this my go to for hiking and skiing.”

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