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Kate Courtney

Home (City / Country) :  Kentfield, California - USA

Date of birth : 29/10/1995


Career Highlights          


• World Cup Champion 19
• Winner World Cup Albstadt 19
• Winner World Cup Nove Mesto 19
• Winner World Cup Les Gets 19
• 2x XCC World Cup Winner 19
• Pan American Champion 19
• World Champion 18
• Cape Epic Champion 18
• US National Champion 17/18


Athlete talk

Words to live by / Personal mantra      

Fun is fast, fast is fun.

What "No Shortcuts" means to you     

To me, no shortcuts signifies a commitment to the process and a belief that every small increment of hard work brings you closer to your biggest goals. There is no shortcut or easy way to reach your goals on and off the bike - it takes all of the time, commitment and work you are willing to put in.

Three things you always pack  

Tea, a good book, protein bars and a sleep mask!

How I relax       

"Off the bike, I enjoy hiking and doing yoga to relax. I also love being home to

spend time with my friends and family around the dinner table!"

Favorite place to ride (or run or ski depending of your sport) 

"I am lucky enough to get to ride my bike all over the world - but of course my

favorite place to ride is at home in Marin!"