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SCOTT Running Team

Alexandre Fine

Name: Alexandre FINE
D.O.B: 1997
JOB: Baker / Patisser
Nationality: French
Location: Briançon

At the age of 26, Alexandre alternates between high level sport and his job as a pastry baker. This association between high level sport and pastry-making requires a real organization and maturity. It is also the proof of a great passion for these two activities which are both opposed (by a different work), but which require common qualities such as patience, training and passion.
Unquestionably, he will have been the revelation of the 2018 trail and mountain running season. Already the French champion in mountain running and trail running in the U23 category in 2017, Alexandre Fine has truly turned a corner by winning the senior category. His 17th place at the 2018 World Mountain Running Championships confirmed a real progression. Currently, Alexandre maintains this constant progression through results and times such as a 1h06.25 on the Granollers Half Marathon in Spain and 29.53m on 10km also in Granollers.


Athlete talk

2nd place on the Dévalade (selection race for the world championships)
3rd Menestrail 2022 (the bush)

2 facts we don’t know about: 
1- I love to sleep
2- Sinfulness for chocolate breads

Favourite race: French Mountain Championship
Favourite SCOTT product:  Supertrac RC 2