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SCOTT Running Team


Name: Antonin THEROND
SCOTT Athlete since: 2023
D.O.B: 2003
JOB: L1 Staps
Nationality: French
Location: Beauregard l’Evêque

Antonin THEROND, 20 years old, is a student in L1 STAPS. Passionate about sports since his youth, Antonin, originally from Auvergne, started playing rugby at ASM Clermont Auvergne. 
In 2019, he decided to stop playing rugby and to devote himself entirely to Trail. Licensed to Clermont Athlétisme Auvergne, he shines at the French Running Championships in 2022 with a magnificent 3rd place. 
Member of the French team with a participation in the World Championships in 2022, Antonin was able to shine during these championships. Vice-champion of the world team with Melaine, he is one of the best runners of his generation.
As the first generation of the Scott Espoir Team, Antonin will be eager to represent the brand in the next races.

Athlete talk

Vice-champion of the world team

2 facts we don’t know about: 
1- Mountain man, I love the great outdoors
2- I like to go after the races with my friends  

Favourite race: Dolomite 
Favourite SCOTT product:  Kinabalu RC 3