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SCOTT Running Team

Arnaud Bonin

Name: Arnaud BONIN
D.O.B: 1985
JOB: School teacher
Nationality: French
Location: Bourg en Bresse

School teacher in Bourg en Bresse, 38 years old and in couple with 3 children, Arnaud Bonin knows how to reconcile training, family life and professional life to reach his goals. He often trains alone, at the end of the day, with his partner or with the members of a sports association in his village.
2021 has been for Arnaud a decisive year in his career with results that match his work and determination. French champion of long trail, 4th in the trail of Passerelles, 12th in the OCC, 2022 leaves room for new objectives.
2022 was just as revealing with a second place in the French and trail championships, but above all a title of European trail vice-champion in the canaries.

Athlete talk

Vice-Champion of Europe Trail 2022
Vice-Champion of France Trail 2022
4th OCC 2022
3rd Ergysport Trail du Ventoux 2022
French Long Trail Champion 2021
Winner of the Golden Trail National Series 2019

2 facts we don’t know about: 
1- I'm a big screw-up
2- My daily life : answering Antoine's questions

Favourite race: OCC
Favourite SCOTT product:  Supertrac RC 2