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Cédric Lehmann

Cédric Lehmann

Name: Cédric Lehmann
SCOTT Athlete since: 2020
D.O.B: 16.05.1995
Nationality: Swiss
Hometown: Krauchthal

Cédric came to running via athletics. After completing many road and track races as a child, he discovered more and more his home trails in the Swiss Emmental region. In 2013, he joined his club STB Leichtathletik where he was able to develop his running skills. Since then, he has been doing 6-7 running sessions weekly under the supervision of his coach Jörg Reinmann, with additional strength training. In addition, he rides his bike a lot, can be found on cross-country and on alpine skis. Cédric is Geographer and works as a project manager 80% in the field of sustainability consulting. Since 2020 he is part of the SCOTT family and happy to be able to live out the joy of sports with only the best gear.

Athlete talk

1-    Swiss Junior Champion Mountain Running 2014 & 2015
2-    Participation World Mountain Running Championship Sapareva Banya / BUL, 2016 and European Mountain Running Championship Skopje / MZD, 2018
3-    Winner and course record holder at numerous Swiss road and mountain races
4-    1:08:39 at Barcelona Half Marathon 2020

3 facts we don’t know about : 
1-    My favorite trails are in the Lauterbrunnen Valley in the Bernese Oberland / Switzerland
2-    My favorite workout is an intense uphill session followed by a delicious brunch at the summit restaurant
3-    In addition to my own training, I supervise trainings as a coach and lead the OC of a running event 

Favourite race: Thorberg-Trail
Favourite SCOTT product:  SCOTT Cruise
A quote you live by: Eat sleep run
Motivational song: Zack Hemsey, Mind Heist