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SCOTT Running Team

Gautier AIRIAU

Name: Gautier AIRIAU
D.O.B: 1992
JOB: School teacher
Nationality: French
Location: Chevenoz

Gautier AIRIAU, 31 years old, is the father of two little girls. He lives in Chevenoz, a small village in the valley of Abondance which overlooks Lake Geneva and is located in the magnificent Chablais massif! He comes to combine this with regular training, usually in the evening. Travelling and discovery are fully part of Gautier's passions. Trail running, through demanding and technical terrains, allows him to explore the environment, to push his limits and to share and live a unique experience.
Vice-champion of France of long trail in Meribel in 2019 he has maintained his course over the years that followed with a beautiful 2nd place on the Maxi Race, a 6th place on the TDS and a 2nd place on the trail of Aiguilles Rouges. A great season in 2023 is to come on Ultra distances.

Athlete talk

1st Restonica Trail by UTMB 2022
6th Festival des Templiers 2022
2nd Trail des Aiguilles Rouges 2022
2nd Skyrace des Matheysins 2022
2nd place on the Maxi Race 2021
Vice Champion of France long trail in Méribel 2019

2 facts we don’t know about: 
1- Great passion for paragliding
2- I like long runs

Favourite race: UTMB
Favourite SCOTT product: Carbon Ultra RC