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SCOTT Running Team


Name: Melaine LE PALABE
SCOTT Athlete since: 2023
D.O.B: 2003
JOB: Running store salesman
Nationality: French
Location: Pont-Scorff

Melaine LE PALABE, 20 years old, salesman in a running store. The Morbihan native is a member of Quéven-Athlétisme. 
Passionate about running since he was a child, his dream is to win the Diagonal des fous with his brother. 
With a title of vice-champion of France in mountain running, he joined the French team for the World Championships. Melaine shone during these championships with a new title of vice-champion of the world team with Antonin. This makes him one of the best runners of his generation.

Athlete talk

Vice-champion of the world team
2 facts we don’t know about: 
1- The best hairstyle of the team
2- I love my Bretagne and the galettes saucisses

Favourite race: French Mountain Championship
Favourite SCOTT product:  Kinabalu RC 3