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SCOTT Running Team

Sean Merryweather

Name: Sean Merryweather 
SCOTT Athlete since: August 2022 
D.O.B: 02.05.1991 
Nationality: British 
Hometown: Kidderminster

I was born in a town called Stourport in the West Midlands. I played football to a decent standard starting from the small age of 4 years old but gave this up in 2018 to pursue my passion for running and OCR racing. 
I moved north to Cheshire when I was just 18 years old for a career in the agricultural sector, I work with farmers on a daily basis helping them with livestock issues, nutritional support and on farm advice. 
In my free time I can be seen running on the trails most days. Having Snowdonia, The Peak District and the Lake district all a short drive away is fantastic.  
I run road, trails, small and far. 

Athlete talk

GB Ultra Chester 50 (1st Place) 
Europe's Toughest Mudder (12 hour overnight OCR race) 1st place 
Manchester to Liverpool ultra 50 mile (1st Place) 
GB Ultra Snowdon 50 miles (1st Place) 

3 fun facts to learn about me:
1- I have a 5k PB time of 15.29
2- I have a black belt in kickboxing
3- My favourite food is pizza

Favourite race:  Any race in the mountains
Favourite SCOTT product: Supertrac RC 2
A quote you live by: “Dream, Believe, Achieve”
Motivational song:  Eminem - Not afraid