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SCOTT Running Team

stan Mouling

Name: Stan Mouling
SCOTT Athlete since: 2022
D.O.B: 4/24/1999
Nationality: Belgium
Hometown: Alken, Belgium
Four years ago, a challenge from my boss ignited my passion for running during an obstacle race. This sparked a deep commitment to training, with a particular focus on running and trail running. Over time, I uncovered both a hidden talent and an unshakable passion for sports. Now, daily running has evolved into an integral part of my life. Through trail running events, I had the pleasure of meeting Dries, and my motivation has soared since joining the Scott family. With youth on my side, I'm resolute in my belief that there's much more I can achieve. I live by the creed: "Where there's a will, there's a way – no shortcuts!"

OCR European Championships 2021 5th place (AG: 18-24)
OCR Belgium Championship 3th place 2021
Fiso OCR World Championship 7th place (AG 18-24)
Few local trailrunning podium places
Few local running podium places
Few local OCR podium places

Athlete talk

3 fun facts to learn about me:  
1-    I have a deep affection for the outdoors and relishing the beauty of nature
2-    Cooking is not just my profession; it's my passion, and I take pride in being a culinary artist.
3-    My heart is filled with love for my family and friends.

Favourite race: OCR European championship DOLOMITE Italy
Favourite SCOTT product: SCOTT Shoe Supertrac RC 2
A quote you live by: Where ther’s a will, there’s a way
Motivational song: Xavier Rudd - Follow the sun