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SCOTT is proud to be a partner with Skeena Heliskiing, the long and great partnership entails equipping Skeena with Softgoods, backpacks, poles and accesoiries (helmet, goggle) to provide the team of Skeena with the top products out there.

Skeena Heliskiing was founded in 2004 and has access to one of the largest heli skiing areas in the world with an area of 9,525 km”.  Based in British Columbia, the Skeena Mountain range has a huge diversity of terrain, from the high vertical slopes with steeps to powder bowls with pillows and shoots. Heli skiing doesn’t stop during bad weather with plenty of tree skiing and an abundance of sweeping glades. Skeena’s geographical location and diversity of terrain allows the visitors to consistently enjoy one of the lowest number of down days in the industry.