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"In Reach" Shorts - Châtel w/ Nico Vink & Vinny T

22 luglio 2019
With the “In Reach” shorts, we hoped to better highlight the locations and riders that you may have missed from full length feature by Shaperideshoot. Stay tuned for more.

First episode is with Nico Vink and Vincent Tupin shredding Châtel Bikepark in their own unique way that only they can. Gaps, manuals, style and smiles are never in short supply with these two.

“In Reach” was shot on location at Châtel, Retallack and Nelson with a crew consisting of Nico Vink, Vinny T, Andrew Neethling, Kyle Jameson, Antoine Buffart and Alex Volokhov. This full feature was a long-time dream come true for the crew at Shaperideshoot. It is their vision of what mountain biking is and what the sports represents to them. 

It's all about doing the right things for the right reasons, hanging out in the woods with the boys and overall having fun no matter what you're doing. Whether you're on a bike, behind a camera or holding a shovel, do what you love the most and do it for you first. Keep challenging yourself and happiness will be in your reach!

Video: Shaperideshoot

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