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SCOTT-SRAM on Syncros Wheels

17 febbraio 2021

SCOTT-SRAM expands its partnership with Syncros, making the brand its official wheel sponsor for the 2021 season and beyond.

Massa Marittima, Tuscany, Italy. Syncros has been a partner of SCOTT-SRAM team since 2017, successfully contributing to world-class performances on the world cup circuits all around the globe. Building on that success and strong partnership, Syncros expands its collaboration with the team by extending its equipment support of SCOTT-SRAM's cockpits, saddles and seatposts. New for 2021 and beyond, the team will run Syncros' Silverton SL wheels. The wheels, which give the team the option of either a 26mm or a wider 30mm inner width are a carbon one-piece developed specifically for the very top of elite cross country racing.

With the season approaching quickly, the SCOTT-SRAM team around Nino Schurter, Kate Courtney, Lars Forster and Andri Frischknecht are currently finetuning their equipment ahead of the season in  the team's training camp in Massa Vecchia (Tuscany) with some early practice and testing of their new 2021 setup.

Discover the new 2021 team bike of Nino Schurter in a special European Champion Design further below featuring the new Syncros Silverton SL one piece carbon wheel.





"We're always looking forward to getting to the next level. When competing at the highest level of racing, it's crucial to rely on the best setup available. This is why SCOTT-SRAM is working with industry partners who share the same spirit and thrive for constant innovation. With Syncros we found a partner that shares the team's DNA in an unparalleled way giving us the perfect opportunity to collaborate even closer for the future and be at the forefront of technology."
Thomas Frischknecht
Team Director


What SCOTT-SRAM's head mechanic, Yanick Gyger has to say about the new wheels: "These wheels never go out of true and need no maintenance when it comes to spoke nipples or rim tape. Tubeless ever-ready means it takes seconds to mount a tire, while quality bearings lead to great durability and performance. The two rim widths of 26" or 30" allow tire choice no matter the conditions. It’s a bit of a mechanics dream, to be honest."

Learn more about the Silverton SL here.



"The Syncros Silverton SL wheel is super light but the benefits don’t just stop here. The construction removes weight from the rim allowing for super fast acceleration. It’s also stiff allowing for great power transfer, tracking, and in particular cornering. Perfect for World Cup racing."
Nino Schurter
2020 European Champion


2021 Team Bike - Meet Nino Schurter's New Custom Spark RC








Stay tuned for more news to come!

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