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3rd stop of the Freeride World Tour 13 in Chamonix

28 gennaio 2013

The Mont Blanc created a dramatic background to the third stop of the Freeride World Tour at La Flégère ski area on the Aiguille Pourrie face. Riders were treated to perfect weather with a cloudless sky. As this stop marked the halfway point of the 2013 Freeride World Tour season, the pressure was on for riders to perform their best in pursuit of the first ever true world champion title.
Current FWT leader after 2 stops and SCOTT athlete Jérémie Heitz wasn’t able to completely convince the judges with his high-speed run and ended in 7th place in the middle of the field. With this result he’s still second in the overall ranking and has a great position to fight for the world champion title.

SCOTT team rider Lori Huber received a wildcard to participate in Chamonix. The Austrian showed off a solid and fluid run and ended up in 4th place. She chose a similar line to that of the winner Christine Hargin, but didn’t go as big and as fast as the current leader.

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