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Jackie Paaso wins 4th stop of the FWT13 in Kirkwood

28 febbraio 2013

The only U.S. stop of the SWATCH Freeride World Tour by The North Face was hosted on The Cirque at Kirkwood Mountain Resort and SCOTT gear athlete Jackie Paaso did not disappoint.  After several crashes in her runs earlier this season, the California native held her own and skied solid lines to take home the win.


Jackie Paaso

Jackie linked airs through a technical, rocky course and maintained her composure and control through the entire run: "I took my run down a notch this time because I needed to stay on my feet.  Making it to the finish line was the best part."  Paaso has shown she can turn around after some unlucky crashes and ski smart, controlled lines straight to the top of the podium.  Paaso was rocking the Team Issue Pole, Rove MIPS Helmet, Air RAS Bag, and the award-winning LCG Goggle, and now sits at 5th overall in the FWT.  Watch her winning run here or click the above image.

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