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26 marzo 2015

Martin Anthamatten was able to defend his last year`s victory with his new team mate, Andreas Steindl, in the supreme discipline 3K at the Matterhorn ULTRAKS SkiMo. The two locals from Zermatt mastered the extremely challenging course in 2h36m finish ahead of the second place team "Tessineuchatel" by 35 minutes. In the women`s category Zermatt locals Claudia Stettler and Andrea Huser reigned as well.

In the 2K category, which limits itself to a distance of 16.9km and a difference in altitude of 1,846m, Valais natives Luke Brantschen and Manfred Ammeter were able to secure the win.

We are particularly proud of our SCOTT colleague Alexandre Dimitriou, who landed in a sensational fourth place with his partner Yvan Jeannerod. Fabienne Götzenberger and Andrea Zenklusen won the women`s category.

In the shorter 1K distance, in which the participants nevertheless had to complete 13.2km of distance and 1,222m of difference in altitude, Arnaud Gasser and Sébastien Caloz were able to prevail in the men`s category, while  Bett Sulliger-Perren and Katja Julen reigned in the women`s category. The multiple world champion in ski mountaineering, Laetitia Roux, also started in this category alongside the young talent, Caroline Jacqoud.

After the route was shortened due to the heavy snowfall and increased avalanche danger in the first edition of the Matterhorn ULTRAKS SkiMo, this year`s route challenged the participants to their limits by taking them to the area around the Rothorn. All results from this year's event are listed here.

Matterhorn ULTRAKS Trail

The second edition of the Matterhorn ULTRAKS SkiMo was a success. Your next challenge awaits with the Matterhorn ULTRAKS Trail Event on August 22nd in Zermatt. This event is part of the Skyrunner World Series, which Scott also sponsors. As there are already more than one thousand registrations you are well-advised to register as early as possible here.

See you soon in Zermatt!


Photo Credit: Michael Portmann, Christian Hengge & Maxime Revilloud

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