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‘’The most efficient long travel enduro bike currently available’’

15 gennaio 2019

January 2019

‘’The SCOTT Ransom 900 Tuned is probably the most efficient long travel enduro bike currently available. With its low weight and the TwinLoc suspension system, it isn’t only a bike for hardcore enduro riders, despite the 170 mm of travel. The TwinLoc system lets you select one of three settings for the fork and the shock via a remote on the handlebar. In the open descend mode, the FOX Nude TR EVOL shock has an additional progression adjustment option to suit the trail. Due to its easy wheel size adaptability and the variable suspension, the SCOTT Ransom is incredibly versatile. Although the carbon frame is the lightest in its class, its stiffness means the Ransom handles very precisely. The SCOTT Ransom 900 Tuned’s predictable yet extremely playful handling predestines it to be an ideal all-rounder. Due to the long travel and yet excellent efficiency, it pushes beyond existing bike categories, perfectly suitable for all distance riders who value downhill performance.’’

Link : https://design-innovation-award.com/winner/scott-ransom-900-tuned/

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