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Andy Symonds

Andy Symonds

Name: Andy Symonds
SCOTT Athlete since: 2015
D.O.B: 28th April 1981
Nationality: British & French
Hometown: Lagnes, Provence


I love to run on all terrains, across fells, hills, mountains, trails, sky and even some road, with a general preference for medium to long distances. I was born in Manchester, brought up in the mud of northern England, studied in Bristol and Grenoble, moved to New Zealand, followed by Scotland and then the south of France, where I’ve been living since 2011. Running has been a great way to discover all these places. As well as running, I enjoy getting outside to ride my mountain, gravel or road bikes, or to fly in the Luberon sky.

Athlete talk


Wins at les Templiers, Transalipine run, Lavaredo and podiums at Transvulcania, World Sky Running Champs and many more.

3 facts we don’t know about Andy: 
1- He has the 24-hour world record for running up and flying down
2- He manages a trail running association and organises a race in his hometown
3- He works in the renewable energy business

Favourite race: www.runlagnes.com
Favourite SCOTT product: SupertracRC
A quote you live by: Why so serious?
Motivational song: Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Pink Floyd