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SCOTT Running Team

Bert Vanwersch

Name: Bert Vanwersch
SCOTT Athlete since: 2021
D.O.B: 2/23/1966
Nationality: The Netherlands
Hometown: Vijlen-Vaals Netherlands
In my younger years I started running to support my physical condition for my boxing. After that I did a lot of ultra distance mountain biking till I started  “serious” running after the age of 40.  Since than I run everything between 1.500 mtr on the track till ultra distances in the mountains, I just like the diversity of running in all different type of races at different places.  I love running, there are more days I run twice than days I don’t run.  Since 2022 I’m very proud to be a member of the Scott Running Team Benelux. 

2021 Dutch Champion M55 in 5.000, 10.000 track, 10km, half marathon, marathon and cross country.
Several times medal holder in Dutch Championships marathon & half marathon distance
Dutch M55 10 km second best of all times 
Twice finisher of Trans Alpine Run 2017 and 2023 

Athlete talk

3 fun facts to learn about me:  
1-    Being able doing outdoor sports makes me a happy guy 
2-    I live at the most beautiful place of the Netherlands (Vijlen)
3-    My wife is the best cook of the world 

Favourite race: Trans Alpine Run 
Favourite SCOTT product: SCOTT Supertrac Ultra RC 
A quote you live by: The future is not in front of you, the future is inside of you
Motivational song: Joris Voorn – District Seven