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SCOTT Running Team

Jan Petralia

Name: Jan Petralia
SCOTT Athlete since: 2012
D.O.B: 1/12/1992
Nationality: Belgium
Hometown:  Oostkamp (Bruges), Belgium
I went from footballer – to athlete – to duathlete – to triathlete. I teach, I coach, I train and I have a girlfriend (Lotte Claes, vice World Champion in duathlon and also pro cyclist) who’s even more crazy than me. My head never stops spinning. 
I’ve been part of the SCOTT family for over a decade now.  I really love the team’s vision on sports. It's all about “performance meets fun and family atmosphere”.

Athlete talk

Vice european champion Middle distance duathlon 2019
8th World championship standard distance duathlon 2017
Belgian champion duathlon middle distance 2018 & 2019
Winner duathlon Alpe d'huez 2017
11th triathlon XL Alpe d'huez 2022(long distance debut) 

3 fun facts to learn about me:  
1-    I coach running – multisports team “Squadra Petralia” powered by SCOTT, well known for our strange, weird…let's call it "unique" humor.
2-    I’m addicted to music (mostly punk, punk rock, metal, hardcore, ska, hip hop).
3-    I teach sports in a school for children with difficulties.

Favourite race: Triathlon Alpe d'Huez
Favourite SCOTT product: SCOTT SPEED Carbon RC & SCOTT RC Run Tank
A quote you live by: Not really in to quotes but “niet gebeird niet geweird” wich means: if you didnt vomit post race, you didnt gave it you’re all.
Motivational song: Interrupters - Title holder