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SCOTT Running Team

Jan Van den Broeck

Name: Jan Van den Broeck
SCOTT Athlete since: 2016
D.O.B: 03.11.1989
Nationality: Belgium
Hometown:  Berlare, Belgium
I started running at the age of 5 and never stopped. From 2009 until 2015 I was a professional athlete for the Belgian Military team. After my professional career, SCOTT gave me the opportunity to become part of the Benelux SCOTT Running team. From that time on I have participated on trail ranging from 10km to 42km, some for fun or training, some because I want to feel the competition-vibe again. The SCOTT team became a family, and I'm proud to show the logo wherever I go.

Athlete talk

5th place on World Indoor Championship 800m 2012
Multiple times National Champion 800m indoor + outdoor.
Winner North C trail 2022
Winner Trail de la Chouffe 11km 2018
4th SCOTT XTRAILS Houffalize 2019

3 fun facts to learn about me:  
1-    I hate running in the sand, but I love the North C trail!
2-    I make the best spaghetti bolognaise if I believe my wife and 2 little girls.
3-    I love to play Pokemon Go, got to catch them all!

Favourite race: Trail des Fantomes
Favourite SCOTT product: SCOTT SPEED Carbon RC 
A quote you live by: "Nothing is impossible."
Motivational song: Titanium - David Guetta & SIA