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SCOTT Snowmobile Vision: Episode 3 w/ Cody Matechuk

09 dicembre 2020

Episode 3 of our snowmobile Vision Series features multiple X-Games gold medalist Cody Matechuk. Away from the world of competition, in this episode we hear Cody’s thoughts on the world of freeriding and how he developed his passion for snowbikes, all as tears up the BC backcountry like you’ve never seen before.


The all-new SCOTT Off-road collection is here!

07 settembre 2020

SCOTT’s new Off-road collection has arrived! Setting new standards in innovation, technology and design, this collection will have you fully covered on the track or trail. A brand-new range of D3O protection products will keep you safe, whilst our fully re-designed 450 gear range offers ultimate performance and will ensure your style is always on point.  As always, our premium goggle line-up guarantees to Defend Your Vision in even the most extreme of conditions!


SCOTT Fury Goggle | How To Change Your Lens – Tutorial

14 novembre 2019

A how-to, instructional video, explaining the best way to change the lens on the SCOTT Fury goggle. Check out how to change lenses quickly and easily using our proven Lens Lock System, featuring 4 locking pins that go through the lens to ensure everything stays firmly locked in place.