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5 Questions Asked: Triathlete Jodie Swallow

30 1월 2015

Jodie, you finished off your 2014 race season with a third place at the inaugural Challenge Bahrain. Only seven weeks later you’re dominating the IM 70.3 South Africa. Did you even take some time off from training?
I actually did, I don't really have a choice in these matters!  Since I began working with coaches like Brett Sutton and Siri Lindley the importance of rest has been drilled into me. Especially because I span two summers and race multiple distances - the season is hectic and long and you can become mentally drained. I respect Siri too much to disobey her instructions - I do what she says to the letter because that makes me very secure in the run up to races - I trust her and I have to behave as such that she can trust me. 

I actually caught the flu on the way back from Bahrain and only half believe that was a coincidence - it was kind of natures way of putting me on bed rest. I had two weeks off and was ill for a lot of that and then a week of going through the motions and getting moving again.

South Africa is your winter training base. Where will we meet you most often swimming, biking and running?
Stellenbosch is an amazing place to train and we have settled here and classify it as our home. There are a good bunch of athletes around too and the town embraces the outdoors so although we are not in a high performance centre as such there are probably more sporting stars here than in a set up academy. We swim in a newly built outdoor 50m pool at the university of Stellenbosch - it is lane roped and open all day for the 'public' so we have pool time whenever we need it - that is a major advantage of living in South Africa - the UK has such stringent allocation for pool space and it is difficult to get a lane or space to swim as we need to all the time. 
My favourite cycle route climbs through the winelands from Stellenbosch to Franschhoek pass and there is safe 20km flattish but possibly very windy road that I do a lot of my hard time trials on. I don't have a problem with up and down or round and round, I am a swimmer! 

The running here is my favourite part of living in Stellenbosch. 

African soil is red and vibrant and ideal for endurance running. I often drive out ten minutes to a nature reserve called Jonkershoek and run there. It is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. Sometimes I can run there for 2 hours and see nobody - it is even more beautiful if a cold front has come in - windy and rainy and completely empty. 

It makes for strong running as it is so dry and hilly and relentless but I guess that is what I have to make myself into so it is ideal. Lately I have been learning to mountain bike here too and it has made me so content - the more time in Jonkershoek the better and I can cover more distance on a bike. 

You received your SCOTT Spark Mountainbike recently. Have you been training a lot off roads? 
Mountain biking is an addition to my training as it is and it is difficult because I really love it and would go everyday if I could. It is time on the legs too though and I am already training enough so I have to keep a lid on it and save it for easy recovery after races and maybe next time I have some time off. I start off really nervous but then the bike just rolls and I start to relax. I think I smile the whole time I am out on my bike.  

Is there a special place that you like to hang out when you’re done with your training?
I really am a homebody. I am happy chilling with James at home or talking to my family on Skype. There are lots of cafes and restaurants here but I get tired and need some time out sometimes - I also like to lie on my front to talk and relax - my back does enough work all day and I get uncomfortable sitting anywhere. Not sure if I am the only person like that...I just can't fully relax in public.  

2015 has only just begun. Have you made any new year’s resolutions that go beyond your goals with regard to particular races?
No, I am pretty strong willed and make definitive change as soon as I decide to change something. I guess, actually, I have made an unconscious decision to be a little more assertive in my career - to not worry and stress about something that I feel or think - just to express it and deal with the 'fallout'. As you can imagine it is going well so far! No it actually is ;),  I hold my self to a high standard and I think it is ok to expect the same of others - sometimes at least. People respond well to respect and honesty and so that is a good strategy for me to take. 

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