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Stephanie Amber Sweezey

Name: Stephanie Amber Sweezey

Nicknames: Steezy sweezey

Birthdate: May 7th 1984

Nationality: Canadian

Home Mountain: Whistler

Homepage: N/A

Conversa com os atletas

How and when did you start riding, how has it evolved ever since, and what got you into sledding ?

I wanna say 2005 or 2006 I did my first full season on a snowmobile. It was a 98 mountain max. Thought it was the best thing ever ! I originally bought it strictly for snowboard access but within a season the snowboard started taking a sideline and I’ve been hooked since. It’s pretty crazy to think how much has changed since then in that short of a time period. Even just the snowmobiles alone, the places you can get to now are unreal. Where we would spend days trying to break trail into back then a beginner could fly up first shot now. It’s almost kinda scary, it can get people into a lot of trouble. Luckily with the growing popularity in snowmobiling the last couple years we’ve seen a big push on safety and avalanche awareness that has really been helping push the sport in the right direction.


What is your favorite riding spot ?

 Top secret, sorry


Who were your idols growing up ?

Well growing up I was a huge baseball fan so my idol back then was Ed Sprague, third baseman for the bluejays. When I first started snowmobiling Chris Brown and Geoff Kyle where the ones I aspired to be. I’ll never forget the first slenecks movie I saw. Blew my mind. Really kickstarted my motivation after seeing what was possible.


Do you have any specific goals for your riding in your future ?

To help bridge the gap between what females and males can do on a snowmobile and never stop pushing myself


Any activities that aren't sled-related ?

Mainly skydiving in my off season but I also like to rip around on the dirt bike and boat


Please answer, if possible, with one word only.

Band : Avenged Sevenfold

Movie : Talladega nights

Book : the cat in the hat

Drink : coffee

Food : sushi

Country : canada (or tim mcgraw if you mean country star ;)

Car : never owned one, I’m a truck girl

Place to ride : my backyard


What do you like about SCOTT?

The stuff is awesome. Only google around that will last a deep pow day and not fog up. Light stylish helmets. Comfortable practical outerwear. bright colours. And they make everything you need. I mean, whats not to love


What SCOTT products are you using this year ?

Helmet gloves googles avy bag, not positive on what models they all are


Who are your other sponsors ?

Tobe outerwear and valley motosport


Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years ?

Killing it


People you feel you need to thank :

Jorli Ricker and kalle Johasson for being the first people to get my in the air, Julie ann chapman nadia samer and all the other chicks who rip to keep my pushing it, my amazing family for teaching me to believe in myself, all my super fun riding buddies( I could go on forever naming all you beauties ), and sponsors for making it possible