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Running Athletes' Insights: Best Tips for Road Running

17 juillet 2014

In this 4th part of the Running Athletes' Insights series our pro runners reveal their best tips for a road marathon training.


Tip 1

As a road runner, it is best to do interval trainings. This makes you strong and teaches your body how to deal with a high speed during your marathon, Simona Staicu.

Tip 2 

Make your longest training run well before the actual race and keep it below marathon distance (say 22 miles). It’s worth running the full 26.2 in at least one training to help with not just the physical side, but also the mental aspects of those final miles, Ian Sharman.

Tip 3 

In my opinion most important are the long runs during the winter. The distance depends on the goal, Fabian Alraun.

Tip 4 

Be careful running on hard surface. You can avoid many of the injuries if you run on soft ground! by Adam Kovacs.

Tip 5 

A good tip for the road runner is the medium pace workout. And the best would be to mix also some repetitions in the middle. For example: 15 km = 7 km regular medium pace + 8km (500mt fast pace – 500mt medium pace). The goal will be to improve the pace of the 500mt medium pace, because it means our body can recover at a faster speed. Start with an easier pace the first times, and you will improve after a few months! Marco De Gasperi

Tip 6 

I think a marathon runner has to control high intense rhythms run on 28 or 30 km. Pablo Villa.

Tip 7

Do half of your training on the bike – it helps with the regeneration and the shocks your body has to adapt to is kept to a reasonable amount, Stephan Wenk.

Tip 8

Focus on fitness and running posture.  Proper mechanics can enable you to run faster with less effort as you efficiently use your body instead of fighting it, Ryan Bak.

Tip 9 

Split up some of your long runs into a morning and an evening  run, Kevin Everett.

Tip 10 

In the last period before the planned competition it is important to make specific workouts on asphalt or track; that means to train the planned pace by doing for example interval sessions with repetitions, Gerd Frick.


Read all parts of SCOTT Athletes' Insights series:





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