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Viennot Runner-up at ITU Long Distance Worlds

26 settembre 2016
The strong winds and waves made the 4k swim a tough battle from the first strokes and it was Brazilian Rafael Ribei who was first out of the water, followed closely by the eventual winner Sylvain Sudrie from France. The defending champion, Cyril Viennot exited the water with a gap of over 8 minutes on the leaders. A deficit that basically decided the race. However, the SCOTT athlete did not give up and pushed hard on the bike, clocking the fastest time of the day and making up a lot of time. Out on the run, many athletes quickly started to suffer due to the hot temperatures. It was Viennot who managed the conditions best and kept himself moving at a fast pace. When crossing the finish line, Viennot had reduced the 8 minute gap to a mere 2 minutes which earned him second place behind fellow Frenchman Sylvain Sudrie. "Despite making the podium, I'm a bit disappointed," said Viennot after the race. "My goal was to defend the World Champion title but with such a bad swim it's tough to get back to the front of the race," the Frenchman said summing up the race. Despite missing out on the title, Viennot is confident about his fitness level for the IM World Championships in Hawaii which take place in less than 2 weeks time.

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