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Chavanel In A Class by Himself

20 ottobre 2014

The 2014 season ended on a high note for IAM Cycling. The Swiss Pro Continental team collected its 17th win of the year with the emphatic success Sylvain Chavanel had at the Chrono des Nations. In the absence of rivals such as Tony Martin, Bradley Wiggins or Fabian Cancellara, Chavanel came into the race as a favorite to win. And he did not disappoint, since the Time Trial Champion of France was able to collect his sixth victory of the season that began on February 2nd at the GP de La Marseillaise.

After 86 days and 14,834 kilometers of racing, Chavanel bested Jérémy Roy (FDJ.fr) by 53 seconds and the Norwegian Reidar Borgersen in third place by more than two minutes. Two other IAM Cycling riders took part in the 51.53 kilometer event. Aleksejs Saramotins took an honest 5th place 3’24” behind his teammate while Gustav Larsson finished in 12th place, 5’17 seconds in arrears.  Larsson’s ride comes in the form of a recovery exercise after he crashed heavily in late June during a training session for the Swedish time trial championships; he has endured a long enforced break as a result.    

Sylvain Chavanel

Though he is the first French rider to win the Chrono des Nations since 1995 when Pascal Lance took the honors, Chavanel remained his modest self when discussing his success.

“Last year’s winner, Tony Martin, did not take part in the event this year. That was good for me because it was not easy to find the right rhythm for this closing race. I tried to give my best after a week where I took only two casual rides. I am looking forward to going on holiday with my family before slowly getting back into preparation for 2015.  With my new camper van, I will explore the landscapes and regions around Normandy, including Mount Saint-Michel and the landing beaches for D-Day.”

Photo Credits : TDWSport.com

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