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05 agosto 2014

A glance out the window in the morning gave us hope for good weather. At least for a short moment!

After some welcome Brezels, Croissants and Cappuccinos at the Contessa Café Bar, the whole Contessa Team, including Kathrin, Lisa, Andi, Fien and Karen was there to guide the 20 participants over the weekend. Split in very mixed groups, ranging from 25 to 55 years old, the girls could test some SCOTT Genius Contessa and Genius LT bikes on the amazing singletrails in Sölden, Austria. The trails were really appreciated and the bikes even more: Genius Contessa and LT rule!

Although the weather was not the best, we overcame the showers of Saturday and Sunday with comfy woolen blankets, relaxing deck chairs and delicious Kaiserschmarrn on the Gampe Thaya mountain hut.

Martin and Philipp from SCOTT Austria were there to help the girls on the technical side in their splendid SCOTT booth. Thank you guys! A big thank you goes also to Sölden/Ötztal for supporting the event with lift tickets!

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